Gold/Silver Stock Listings
Provided here is a listing of around 700 mining companies. It takes a large effort to follow all of these and come up with the best to add to your portfolio. We’ll see if we can provide some insight to some of the “winners” from this listing. There are many factors to consider when buying a mining stock, and these factors are very different from standard market equities. There are a couple from this list that I am very high on, stay TUNED!
What would you like here to add to your portfolio?
Mining Company Listings (700 to choose from)
- Abacus Mining
- Abcourt Mines
- Acadian Mining
- Adamus Resources
- Adventure Gold
- Affinity Gold
- African Aura Mining
- African Eagle
- African Rainbow
- Agnico-Eagle
- Alacer Gold
- Alamos Gold
- Alexandria Min.
- Alexco Resources
- Alexis Min.
- Alhambra Res.
- Alianza Minerals
- Alkane Res.
- Alliance Res.
- Allied Nevada
- Almaden Min.
- Alto Ventures
- AM Gold
- Amarillo Gold
- AMI Res.
- Andean American Gold
- Andina Min.
- Anglo American
- Anglo Asian Mining
- Anglo Plat
- Anglo Swiss Res.
- AngloGold
- Angus Mining
- Animas Res.
- Antam Tbk
- Antofagasta
- Apex Min.
- Apogee
- AQM Copper
- Aquila Resources Inc.
- Archipelago Res.
- Argent Min.
- Argentex Mining
- Argonaut Gold
- Atlanta Gold
- Atlantic Gold
- Atlas Minerals
- Atna Resources
- ATW Gold
- Aura Minerals
- Aurcrest gold
- Aurelio Res.
- Aurico
- Aurizon Mines
- Aurora Gold
- Austral Gold
- Australasia Gold Ltd.
- Australian Mines
- Australian Solomons Gold
- Auzex Res.
- Avino Silver
- Avion Gold
- Avnel Gold Mining
- Avocet Mining
- Axmin
- Azimut Expl.
- Azumah Res.
- Azure Min.
- B2Gold
- Balmoral Res
- Bandera Gold
- Banro
- Barkerville Gold Mines
- Barra Res.
- Barrick Gold
- Bass Metals
- BCD Resources
- BCGold
- Beacon Minerals
- Beadell res
- Beanstalk Capital
- Beartooth Platinum
- Belo Sun
- Belvedere Res.
- Benguet
- Bezant Resources
- BHP Billiton
- Blue Note Mining
- Bonaventure
- Bravo Gold
- Brazauro Res.
- Brazilian Gold Corp.
- Breakwater Res.
- Brigus Gold
- Buchan Minerals
- Buenaventura
- Cadiscor
- Caledonia Mining
- Canada Lithium
- Canadian Arrow
- Canadian Gold
- Canadian Zinc
- Canamex Resources
- Canarc Res.
- Candente Copper
- Canplats Res.
- Capital Gold
- Capstone Mining
- Carat Expl.
- Carbon Energy
- Cardero Res.
- Carpathian Gold
- Carrick Gold
- Cassidy Gold
- Castle Gold Corp.
- Castle Min.
- Castle Res.
- Castlemain
- Catalpa
- Cazaly
- CBH Res.
- Centamin
- Centerra Gold
- Central African Gold
- Central Asia
- Central Iron Ore
- Central Rand Gold
- Century Mining
- CGA Mining.
- Chaarat Gold
- Chalice
- Channel Res.
- Chapleau Resources
- Chesapeake Gold
- Chesser Res.
- Chester Mining
- China Gold
- China Goldmines
- China Mineral Mining
- Choice Gold
- Cigma Metals
- Citadel Resources
- Citigold
- Coeur d’Alène
- Colombia Goldfields
- Columbus Gold
- Conquest Res.
- Conroy Diamonds and Gold
- Continental Minerals
- Continuum
- Copper Fox
- Coral Gold
- Cornerstone
- Coro
- Corona Gold
- Coronet Metals
- Corriente Res.
- Corvus Gold
- Coventry Resources
- Crazy Horse Res
- Crew Gold
- Critical Elements
- Crocodile Gold
- Cross Lake Min.
- Crusader
- Crystallex
- Dagilev Capital
- De Beira Goldfields
- Decade Resources
- Defiance Silver
- Desert Gold Ventures
- Detour Gold
- Dioro
- Dominion
- Dominion Minerals
- Dot Resources
- Dowa Mining
- Dragon Mining
- Dragon Mountain
- DRDGold
- Drummond Gold
- Duluth Metals
- Dumont Nickel
- Dundee Precious Metals
- Dynacor
- Dynasty Metals
- East Asia Minerals
- Eastern Goldfields
- Eastmain Res.
- ECR Minerals
- El Capitan Precious Metals
- Eldorado Gold
- Eloro Res.
- Emgold Mining
- Emmerson
- Empire Res.
- Endeavour Mining
- Endeavour Silver
- Entree Gold
- Equinox
- Eurasia M
- Eurasian Min.
- Eureka Res.
- Euro Ressources
- Eurogold
- Euromax
- European Goldfields
- Excelsior
- Exco Res.
- Exeter
- Extorre Gold
- Extract Res.
- Fancamp Expl.
- Far West Mining
- First Majestic
- First Nickel
- First Quantum
- First Star Res.
- First Uranium
- Focus Min.
- Formation Metals
- Forsys Metals
- Fortress Minerals
- Fortuna Silver
- Fortune Minerals
- Franco Nevada
- Freegold Ventures
- Freeport McMoran
- Freewest Resources
- Fresnillo
- Fronteer Gold
- Frontier Res.
- Gabriel Resources
- Galantas
- Galaxy Gold
- Galena Internl Ltd
- Gateway Gold
- Gateway Mining
- GBM Res.
- Gemini Explorations
- Geologix Expl.
- GGG Resources
- Glen Eagle Res.
- Glencar
- Global Copper Corp.
- Globestar Mining
- Globex Mining
- Gold Anomaly
- Gold Fields
- Gold One
- Gold Reach Res. Ltd
- Gold Reserve
- Gold Road
- Goldbridges Global
- Goldbrook Ventures
- Goldcorp
- Golden Band Res.
- Golden Cross Res.
- Golden Cycle Gold
- Golden Dory Ltd.
- Golden Goliath
- Golden Minerals
- Golden Phoenix Min
- Golden Queen
- Golden Rim
- Golden Share Mining
- Golden Star
- Golden Tag Res.
- Goldgroup
- Goldminco Corporation
- Gold-Ore Res.
- Goldplat
- Goldquest Mining
- Goldrea Resources
- Goldrich
- Goldrush Res.
- Goldsearch
- Goldspring
- Goldstone Resources
- Gossan Resources
- Gran Colombia.
- Grandview Gold
- Grayd Res.
- Great Basin Gold
- Great Panther Silver
- Great Quest Metals
- Great Western Min.
- Greystar
- Gryphon Gold
- Gryphon Min.
- Guyana Goldfields
- Halo Res.
- Harmony Gold
- Harte Gold
- Havilah
- Heatherdale
- Hecla Mining
- Heemskirk Consolidated
- Helix
- Herald Res.
- High River Gold
- Highland Gold
- Highlands Pacific
- Hill End
- Hochschild
- Houston Lake Mining
- Huakan International
- HudBay
- Hunt Mining
- Iberian Minerals
- ICN Resources
- IGC Res.
- Impact Silver
- Imperial
- Implats
- Independence Group
- India Res.
- Indophil
- Infinito Gold
- Inmet Mining
- Integra Mining
- Inter-citic Min.
- International KRL Res.
- Intl. Minerals
- Intl. Tower Hill
- Intrepid Mines
- Ivanhoe Australia
- Ivanhoe Mines
- Jaguar Mining
- Jayden Re
- Jervois
- Kagara
- Kalimantan Gold
- Kaminak Gold
- Kansai Mining
- Karmin Expl.
- Keegan Res.
- Kentor Gold
- Kingsgate
- Kinross Gold
- Kirkland Lake Gold
- Kiska Corp.
- Klondex Mines
- Kobex Minerals
- Korab Res.
- Kryso
- La Mancha Res.
- La Quinta Res.
- Laguna Res.
- Lake Shore Gold
- Landore Res.
- Laurion Mineral Expl.
- Leeward Capital
- Legend Gold
- Lepanto Consolidated
- Levon
- Lexam VG Gold
- Leyshon Res.
- Lion Selection Ltd.
- Lonmin
- Louvem Mines
- Luiri Gold
- Lumina Copper
- Luna Gold
- Lundin Mining
- Lydian International
- MAG Silver
- Magellan
- Magma Metals
- Majestic Gold
- Manas Resources
- Mandalay Res.
- Manicouagan Min.
- Mansfield Min.
- Marathon Gold
- Marathon PGM
- Marengo Mining
- Masuparia Gold
- Matsa
- Maximus
- McEwen Mining
- MDN.
- Mediterranean Res.
- Medoro Res.
- Medusa Mining
- Mega Precious Metals
- Megastar Development
- Melkior Res.
- Merc International
- Mercator
- Merrex Gold
- Messina Min.
- Metalline Mining
- Metanor
- Metorex
- Midas
- Midlands Min.
- Midway Gold
- Minco Gold
- Minco Plc
- Minco Silver
- Mindoro Res.
- Minera IRL
- Mineral Deposits
- Minotaur Expl.
- Mintails
- Moneta Porcupine Mines
- Monument Mining
- Morning Star Gold
- Moss Lake Gold Mines
- Moto Goldmines
- Mountain Boy Min.
- Mountain Lake Res.
- Mundoro Mining
- Murgor
- Mutiny Gold
- Mwana Africa
- MWN Mining
- Nautilus Min.
- Navigator Res.
- Nevada Copper
- Nevada Sunrise Gold
- Nevsun Res.
- New Dawn Mining
- New Gold
- New Guinea Gold
- New Jersey Mining
- New World Res.
- Newcrest
- Newmont
- Nex Metals
- Ngex
- Niblack Mineral
- Niogold
- Noble Mineral
- Norilsk
- Noront Res.
- Norseman Gold
- Nortec
- North American Gem
- North American Palladium
- North bay
- North Queensland Metals
- Northern Abitibi Mining
- Northern Dynasty
- Northern Freegold
- Northern Gold
- Northern Star
- Northern Star Res.
- Northern Superior Resources
- Northgate Minerals
- Northland Res.
- Northwest Res.
- Norton Gold FieldS
- NovaGold Res.
- Nuinsco Res.
- Nyota Minerals
- Nyrstar
- Oceana Gold
- Odyssey Res.
- Olympus Pacific
- Opawica
- Oremex.
- Orex Expl.
- Orezone Gold
- Orko Silver
- Ormonde Mining
- Oro Gold Res. Ltd
- Oro Silver
- Oroco
- Oromin Expl.
- Oropa
- Orosur
- Orsu
- Ortac Resources
- Orvana Min.
- Osisko Mining
- Oxus Gold
- OZ Minerals
- Pacific Booker
- Pacific Gold
- Pacific NorthWest
- Pacific Ridge
- Pacific Rim Mining
- Pan African Res.
- Pan American Goldfields
- Pan American Silver
- PanAust
- Panoramic Res.
- Paradigm Metals
- Paragon
- Paramount Gold & Silver
- Patagonia Gold
- Peak Resources
- Pebble Creek.
- Pediment
- Pelangio Exploration
- Pencari Mining
- Peninsular Gold
- Penoles
- Perseus Mining
- Pershimco Res.
- Petaquilla Copper
- Petaquilla Min.
- Philex Gold
- Planet Expl.
- Platina Res.
- PMI Gold
- Polar Star
- Polyus Mining
- Premier Gold Mines
- Premium Expl.
- Pretium Resources
- Primero Mining
- Prodigy Gold
- Prospector Cons.
- Puget Ventures
- Puma Exploration
- QuadraFNX
- Quaterra Res.
- Queenston Mining
- Radisson Mining
- Radius Gold
- Rainy River
- Rambler Metals & Mining
- Ramelius
- Randgold Res.
- Range River Gold
- Rare Element Res.
- Rebgold
- Red 5 Limited
- Red Rock Res.
- Redbank Copper
- Redcorp Ventures
- Redhawk Res.
- Reed Resources
- Regis Resources Ltd
- Republic Gold
- Resolute Mining
- Richmont Mines
- Rio Alto
- Rio Novo Gold
- Rio Tinto
- Riverside resources
- Robex Res.
- Rocmec Mining
- Rolling Rock Res.
- Romarco Min.
- Romios Gold Res.
- Rose Petroleum plc
- Royal Gold
- Rubicon Min.
- Rusoro Mining
- Rye Patch Gold
- Sabina
- San Anton Resources
- San Gold Corp.
- Sandfire
- Sandspring Res.
- Sandstorm Gold
- Santa Fe Gold Corp
- Sanu Resources
- Saracen Minerals Holdings
- Scorpio Gold
- Scorpio Mining
- ScotGold Resources
- Sea Green Capital
- Seabridge Gold
- Searchgold
- Semafo
- Senator Minerals
- Serabi Gold
- Serengeti Res.
- Shanta Gold
- Shoreham Res. Ltd.
- Shoshone
- Sierra Metals
- Signature Metals Ltd.
- Silver Falcon Mining
- Silver Standard
- Silver Wheaton
- Silverado Gold
- Silvercorp Metals
- SilverCrest Mines
- Silvermex Res.
- Sinchao
- Skeena Resources
- Skyline Gold
- Soho Res.
- Solid Res.
- Sona Resources
- South American Gold and Copper
- Southern Gold
- Southwestern Res.
- Spanish Mountain Gold
- Sphinx
- St Andrew Goldfields
- St Barbara
- St. Eugene Mining
- Stealth Min.
- Straits Res.
- Stratabound Min.
- Stroud Res.
- Sulliden Gold
- Sumatra
- Sumitomo Metal
- Sunridge Gold
- Suramina Res.
- Sutter Gold
- Swan Gold Mining
- Tagish
- Tahoe Resources
- Takara Res.
- Talon Metals
- Tamaya
- Tanami Gold
- Tanqueray Res.
- Tarsis
- Taseko
- Teal Expl.
- Teck
- Tectonic Res.
- Temex Resources
- Tenajon Res.
- Terraco Gold
- Terramin
- Thompson Creek
- Thundermin
- Tianshan Goldfields
- Timberline Res.
- Timmins Gold
- Tintina Resources
- Toro Energy
- Tournigan Energy Ltd.
- Trade Winds
- Treasury Metals
- Trelawney
- Tri Origin
- Tri Origin Min.
- Troy Res.
- Trueclaim
- Truestar Petroleum
- Tumi Resources
- TVI Pacific
- Tyhee Development
- Typhoon Expl.
- Uc Res.
- Underworld Res.
- Unity Mining
- Universal Res.
- Uragold Bay Res
- Uranium Equities
- Uranium One
- US Nickel
- Vaaldiam Mining
- Vale Inco
- Valgold Res.
- Vantage Goldfields
- Vatukoula
- Vedanta Res.
- Ventana Gold Corp.
- Venturex
- Victoria Gold Corp.
- Vior
- Virginia Energy
- Virginia Mines
- Vista Gold
- VMS Ventures
- Volta Res
- Waratah
- Wescan Goldfields
- Wesdome
- West Wits
- Western Areas NL
- Western Copper and Gold
- Western Copper and Gold
- Westgold
- Weststar Res.
- Win-Eldrich Mines
- Wits gold
- Xstrata
- Xtierra
- Yamana Gold
- Yorbeau
- YTC Resources
- Yukon Gold
- Yukon-Nevada
- Zaruma Res.
- Zijin Mining
- Zimplats
Gold/Silver Stock Listings — No Comments
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