Driving Prices Higher Links – 17 FEB 2021 at 18:00 EST
J. Christian Adams on How Rush Limbaugh Changed America
7 People Shot Near Philadelphia Train Station — One Person in Custody
Leftist Fake News Smear Rush: ‘Racism, Islamophobia, Misogyny and Conspiracy Theories’
Amazon Exec and Former Obama Spokesman Attacks Rush: ‘Direct Line Between Rush Limbaugh and Jan. 6’
First Lady Melania Trump: Rush Limbaugh a ‘Fearless American Patriot’
Bill to Limit RINO Governor Mike Dewine’s Health Diktats Passes in Ohio Senate
Tucker Carlson to Host New Video Podcast and Long-Form Documentary Series “Tucker Carlson Originals”
Supreme Court to Consider Whether Several High-Profile Election Fraud Cases Can Proceed
Must Watch: Alex Jones & Steven Crowder Unite For Epic Broadcast Amid Controlled Texas Power Outages
Ex-FBI Agent Linked to Gangster Whitey Bulger to Be Freed From Prison
SATIRE? Nation Prepares to Celebrate 1st Anniversary of Two Weeks to Flatten the Curve [VIDEO]
POLL: Majority of Republicans Now Favor a Third Party
Data Leaks Affect More Than 3 Billion Accounts
The Unconstitutionality Of Dept. Of Education’s “Safely Reopening Schools During COVID”
Herschel Walker Tells Congress Black Americans Shouldn’t Get Reparations
New Branco Cartoon Mocks Left Over “Global Warming” as Record Cold Temperatures Cover the Nation
Arizona Sheriff Sees Fivefold Increase in Illegal Border Crossings