Driving Prices Higher Links – 1 MAR 2021 at 10:00 EST
Biden State Department Nominee Victoria Nuland Is a Defender of Chi-Com Propaganda Program
Former French President Nicolas Sarkozy Sentenced to Prison in Humiliating Corruption Conviction
‘Socialism on a Global Scale’: Sky News Host Demolishes Davos Elites and ‘Great Reset’ Scheme
Moral Choices, Faustian Bargains, & Slugworth
Supreme Court to Hear Case Over Two Election Laws in Arizona, One of Which Deals With Mail-in Voting
Crypto Roars Back As Citi Sees Imminent ‘Tipping Point’ In Global Trade
No, California Is Not a Liberal Utopia
Efforts Underway in Key Battleground States to Return Voting Systems to Pre-2020 Rules
NY AG Letitia James Seeks to Probe ‘Troubling’ Cuomo Sexual Harassment Scandals
Nine Years Ago Today, America Lost Andrew Breitbart
Americans’ Views of Russia and Chi-Coms Sour to Record Low Levels
Hygiene Socialism on College Campuses
Don’t Let Progressives Control the Language of the National Debate
Marxist Pope Francis Parrots Al Gore, John Kerry, Warns of Second ‘Great Flood’ From Global Warming
WaPo “Fact-Checker” Gets Hilariously Fact-Checked After Dissing Trump’s CPAC Speech
Tiger Woods Makes Emotional Statement, Moved by ‘Touching’ Gesture From Fellow Golfers