Driving Prices Higher Links – 31 MAR 2021 at 0:00 EST
Inflation Shock: Lumber Prices Up 188% Since Scamdemic Start
Fascistbook Removes Interview With President Trump From Lara Trump’s Page
102 People in Washington State Test POSITIVE for the Chi-Com Virus AFTER Getting Fully Vaccinated
Big Tech Tyrants’ First Target Was Freedom of Speech; Next is Freedom of Religion
Man’s Skin ‘Peeled Off’ Due to Reaction From Johnson & Johnson COVID Vaccine
Cops Outraged That NYPD Cop-Killer Tapped by Democrats to Help Design Police Reform in New York
Rep. Matt Gaetz Reportedly Considering Leaving Congress for Newsmax Gig
‘It’s Too Late For This Nation,’ Says John MacArthur, in Fiery Sermon
G. Gordon Liddy, Known for Role in Watergate Scandal, Passes Away at Age of 90
Hunter Biden Blockbuster: Memos Detail Quiet Effort to Assist Indicted Ukrainian Oligarch
WIN: Florida State University Cancels Racist Class Bashing White Women After Push Back
Seattle Couple Discovers Man Living in Their Basement . . . After Two Days!