On the Verge of War-but Are We Sure Who the Enemy Is?
Army Slammed for Woke Tweet Quoting Lana Del Ray
Crazy Leftist LOSES HER MIND at VAXX Mandate Protesters in D.C.
Christian Politician in Finland, Grandmother of Six, on Trial After Posting Bible Tweet
Over 1,000 Fake American Driver’s Licenses From Hong Kong Seized in Indiana
How Government Billions Put Slave Masks on Our Children
ICYMI: ‘Defeat the Mandates’: Thousands Protest in Washington Against Vaccine Requirements . . .
. . . What I Saw at the DC Rally
Pro-Life Movement Gains Momentum and Abortion Ghouls Panic
“Vaccines” vs. Living a Healthy Life
Rand Paul: Its ‘Medical Malpractice to Force Vaccines on Children’
Democrat Commiefornia Bill Wants to Give Minors the Right to Get Vaccinated Without Parental Consent
Democrat Dystopia Update: Seattle Man Live-Tweeted ‘Hostage Taking’ — He Keeps Getting Out of Jail
“Lia” Thomas Teammate Speaks Out: ‘Women Are Now Third-Class Citizens’
Vile Leftists Pour the Hate on Free-Thinking NFL Star QB Aaron Rodgers After Playoff Loss
They’ve Dragged Us Into Their Matrix
Hilarious New Cartoon by Gary Varvel Hits Biden on the ‘Cognitive Question’
Pathetic School Photos Out of Democrat-Oppressed Oregon
The Catastrophe of the Covid Models
University of Rhode Island Revokes Honorary Degrees Given to Michael Flynn, Rudy Giuliani
Roger Stone: Why They Attack General Michael Flynn
Neo-Con Pelosi Puppet Liz Cheney Destroyed in Wyoming GOP Straw Poll by Trump-Backed Candidate
Flailing ‘SNL’ Mocks Candace Owens in Terribly Unfunny Racial Skit — Owens Responds
Ron DeSantis Signals He Would Sign Bill Stopping Abortions After 15 Weeks
Evan Rachel Wood: Marilyn Manson Forced Me to Have Sex on Camera