Latest metals market related posts at Goldtent for your enjoyment…
Leftists completely lose it after Aaron Rodgers says Ayn Rand’s ‘Atlas Shrugged’ is on his bookshelf: by Fullgoldcrown at 2022-01-04T17:55:00
“You Can Shove Your Vaccine Mandates up Your Arse” The anthem spreads… by North at 2022-01-04T16:44:00
Creepy Vaccine propaganda aimed at children… by Kewl2 at 2022-01-04T16:36:00
They Said They Would Slow The Spread by Kewl2 at 2022-01-04T16:33:00
SOME COMMON SENSE FROM BORIS by Fullgoldcrown at 2022-01-04T16:12:00
COMICRONTARIO UPDATE by Fullgoldcrown at 2022-01-04T14:38:00
Graphic Video…movie setting, real or other? by Predator at 2022-01-04T13:11:00
Praise the Lord and Pass the Ivermectin by Kewl2 at 2022-01-04T13:03:00
Ford by Highroller at 2022-01-04T13:00:00
Djokovic allowed to play in Australian Open without Vaccination… by Kewl2 at 2022-01-04T12:29:00
Biden has cornered market on Monoclonal Antibodies…DeSantis calls for states to be allowed to buy monoclonal antibody treatments by Kewl2 at 2022-01-04T12:24:00
Senator Rand Paul Quits YouTube Over “Despicable” Censorship, Moves Permanently To Rumble by Kewl2 at 2022-01-04T12:17:00
UK – Governments Admit Using ‘Mass Formation Psychosis’ As Tool of Population Control by Kewl2 at 2022-01-04T12:13:00
China: Concern over Xi’an residents’ midnight quarantine by Kewl2 at 2022-01-04T11:38:00
CANADA – Dozens of big companies headed by top-paid CEOs collected COVID-19 government benefits: report by Kewl2 at 2022-01-04T11:13:00
CANADA – ONTARIO – ‘I’m more afraid of the government than Omicron:’ Ottawa business owners react to new restrictions by Kewl2 at 2022-01-04T11:10:00
CANADA – QUEBEC – Vaccine Passport will be needed to purchase liquor or cannabis by Kewl2 at 2022-01-04T11:07:00
Has anyone studied DRV? by Marcusjames at 2022-01-04T10:45:00
Official German Government data suggests the Fully Vaccinated will develop Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome by the end of January 2022 by Fullgoldcrown at 2022-01-04T10:36:00
VACCINE EFFICACY IN UK by Fullgoldcrown at 2022-01-04T10:00:00
What Will Surprise Us In 2022? by JSKauai at 2022-01-04T09:30:00
COFFEE AND COVID by Fullgoldcrown at 2022-01-04T08:05:00
200 million vaxxed 450 thousand dead by Fullgoldcrown at 2022-01-04T00:36:00
JUDGE APPROVES BOOSTER SHOT FOR GHISLANE MAXWELL by Fullgoldcrown at 2022-01-04T00:29:00
USA – Navy SEALS win in federal court against Mandate… by Kewl2 at 2022-01-04T00:07:00
The Lying Government of Ontario… by TimH at 2022-01-03T23:57:00
Over 95% of Omicron Cases are in Vaccinated People. by Kewl2 at 2022-01-03T23:55:00
More People Are Getting Unapproved Fourth Doses of the Covid-19 Vaccine by Kewl2 at 2022-01-03T23:53:00
by silver fox at 2022-01-03T23:48:00
GLOBAL COVID SUMMIT by Fullgoldcrown at 2022-01-03T21:30:00