Latest metals market related posts at Goldtent for your enjoyment…
WTF – Salvation Army — White donors need to offer ‘Sincere Apology’ for their Racism…….. by Kewl2 at 2021-11-24T18:30:00
Next time you see a Salvation Army Donation ” Cup” by Fullgoldcrown at 2021-11-24T18:29:00
MERCOLA – The WHO Is an Institution of Corruption by Kewl2 at 2021-11-24T18:19:00
FOR USA DEATH JUNKIES by Fullgoldcrown at 2021-11-24T17:27:00
Wake up, you idiots! by Fullgoldcrown at 2021-11-24T16:42:00
Report a Relative to the FBI this Thanksgiving ! by Fullgoldcrown at 2021-11-24T15:52:00
The Tyranny is Here by North at 2021-11-24T15:13:00
Slovenia by Highroller at 2021-11-24T15:03:00
THIS WAS NOT SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN by Fullgoldcrown at 2021-11-24T15:00:00
Christmas Ruined by Highroller at 2021-11-24T14:53:00
MISSOURI by Fullgoldcrown at 2021-11-24T14:42:00
Pfizer Employee Stole 12,000 Files Including COVID-19 Vaccine Secrets, Lawsuit Claims by Kewl2 at 2021-11-24T14:15:00
The West’s Wasted Crisis – YANIS VAROUFAKIS by Kewl2 at 2021-11-24T13:42:00
How much does vitamin D protect us from diseases like COVID? by Kewl2 at 2021-11-24T13:35:00
WHO says fully vaccinated should wear masks and physically distance as Covid infections surge by Kewl2 at 2021-11-24T13:13:00
Saudis, Russians Consider Pausing Oil Production Increases In Retaliation To Biden SPR Release by Kewl2 at 2021-11-24T13:00:00
Germany’s New Leaders Shockingly Reject Merkel’s Request For 2-Week Covid Lockdown by Kewl2 at 2021-11-24T12:58:00
‘If you get the Pfizer vax, you’re more likely to get COVID’: Industry analyst flags FDA study by Kewl2 at 2021-11-24T12:39:00
MAG.TO – Diamonds are… by silver fox at 2021-11-24T11:42:00
talk about following sweet science… by GoldBalloon at 2021-11-24T11:38:00
The Fake FED Taper by Samson at 2021-11-24T11:13:00
3 opinions on Gold by 3 analysts that have many followers by Mamare at 2021-11-24T10:34:00
Bet You Didn’t Realize by Chartsmaster at 2021-11-24T10:13:00
Definition Update (Merrium-Webfun) by Hearst at 2021-11-24T09:09:00
COFFEE AND COVID : HOLIDAY EDITION by Fullgoldcrown at 2021-11-24T08:47:00
THE TRUTH IS “GETTING AROUND” by Fullgoldcrown at 2021-11-24T08:36:00
CEASE AND DESIST by Fullgoldcrown at 2021-11-24T08:22:00
Does anyone in authority care? No, clearly not. by Spock at 2021-11-24T04:37:00
another opportunity by GoldBalloon at 2021-11-24T02:31:00
GOLD & SILVER by GoldBalloon at 2021-11-24T02:09:00
Question to ponder upon………………… by Kewl2 at 2021-11-24T01:11:00
Why aren’t healthcare workers speaking out about the catastrophe caused by the vaccines? by Kewl2 at 2021-11-24T01:09:00
Ireland – Senator Horkan – Ban the Unvaccinated from grocery stores… by Kewl2 at 2021-11-24T00:24:00
Bitcoin Daily Call November 24, 2021 by Midas Touch at 2021-11-24T00:06:00
Silver Daily Call November 24, 2021 by Midas Touch at 2021-11-24T00:02:00
OK France Here is Your Chance !! by Fullgoldcrown at 2021-11-23T23:54:00
Gold Daily Call November 24, 2021 by Midas Touch at 2021-11-23T23:42:00
LOGIC AND DATA WEAPONS TO DEFEAT THE COVIDIANS by Fullgoldcrown at 2021-11-23T23:05:00
VAERS data shows 100% of reported Covid-19 Vaxx Deaths caused by 5% of batches & most sent to red Republican States across the USA by Kewl2 at 2021-11-23T22:51:00
Australian couple discovered this facility next to the Brisbane airport. Includes outdoor gym and electrified fence. by Kewl2 at 2021-11-23T22:29:00
SCOTLAND UNDER PRESSURE TO HALT VAXXPASS by Fullgoldcrown at 2021-11-23T22:26:00
MIRACLE IN JAPAN – COVID – IVERMECTIN UPDATE – THIS IS HUGE! – Dr. John Campbell by Kewl2 at 2021-11-23T22:09:00
US COVID Deaths In 2021 Have Surpassed 2020’s Total… Despite Vaccines, Treatments by Kewl2 at 2021-11-23T21:24:00
WOW …. racism is alive in Ontario … ‘Non-white votes will count more than white votes’… by Kewl2 at 2021-11-23T21:14:00
SLOVENIAN SCANDAL by Fullgoldcrown at 2021-11-23T21:06:00
A trucking nightmare: Supply chain horrors feared as thousands of unvaccinated drivers won’t be allowed to cross U.S.-Canada border by Kewl2 at 2021-11-23T21:02:00
KIDS DO NOT GET SICK AND DO NOT TRANSMIT EVEN WHEN “INFECTED” by Fullgoldcrown at 2021-11-23T20:32:00
U.S. Army Doctor Warns “Do not give this to your children ever, there is no long term studies on this” by Kewl2 at 2021-11-23T20:17:00
ET TU TAM by Fullgoldcrown at 2021-11-23T20:03:00
Hey Cretins : You’re not in Kansas Anymore by Fullgoldcrown at 2021-11-23T19:53:00